Sunday, October 6, 2013

And then there was September...

The past few months flew by, but September and now October are dragging on and on.  Why you ask?  Because we bought a house!  And we are just waiting and waiting for it to be finished.  We found a new subdivision near Ben's work and decided it was a good time for us to buy a home again.  It was exciting for us to be able to pick the paint and carpet colors.  It's due to be finished around the end of October, so we can move in sometime in November.  We are really looking forward to having a bit more space and a nice yard to run around in.  Speaking of running around, my Emmett has turned into quite the speedster!  He toddles all over our house usually with a big grin on his face.  He's a pretty happy kid, but when he wants something he is not shy about letting us know!

We're going to miss jogging in the sunshine.
 Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kiddos happily playing together.  I love to see Norah taking good care of her brother, but of course she has a feisty streak in her too.  Sometimes it's hard to share, especially when your little brother is such a bully :)

And this little lady is busy as a bee.  She loves to craft and play make believe.  She collects trinkets and toys and carries them around in purses or the back of toy truck.  She makes me laugh and I love love love her.  She also finally stopped sucking her thumb!  The first day we met she was sucking on her finger, and finally at 3 years old, she has sucked her thumb for the last time :0  She was such a big girl about it and never really even complained about having "t guards" over her thumbs to help her break the habit. 

Baking with Momma

We got some pictures taken at Aaron and Carlie's wedding.  Our first professional picture of the 4 us.  It was about time!  Of course this was taken after a long day of being in the sweltering heat, but we all managed to smile nonetheless.

Happy September!